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Serial Social Monogamy

    Serial social monogamy is a term used to describe a pattern of engaging in consecutive, long-term relationships with different partners over time. Let’s explore this concept in simpler terms: In conclusion, serial social monogamy offers individuals the opportunity to experience… Read More »Serial Social Monogamy

    Love Bombing

      Have you ever felt like someone you just met is showering you with excessive affection and attention? This behaviour, known as “love bombing,” might seem flattering at first, but it’s essential to understand what it truly entails. In conclusion, love… Read More »Love Bombing

      Casanova vs Don Juan

        Casanova and Don Juan are both historical figures who gained fame for their romantic pursuits, but they have distinct characteristics that set them apart. Let’s explore the key differences between Casanova and Don Juan in simple language. Casanova: The Charming… Read More »Casanova vs Don Juan

        Lover Types

          From my experience, there are six types of lovers in affairs. Casanovas Casanovas are the true lovers. They love women, all woman. They love romance, and they love sex. Casanovas invest their time, talents and hearts into any affair, making… Read More »Lover Types

          Platonic Relationships

            A platonic relationship is a close, affectionate, and emotionally intimate connection between individuals that does not involve romantic or sexual feelings. In a platonic relationship, the bond is based on deep friendship, mutual respect, and shared interests, rather than romantic… Read More »Platonic Relationships

            No Strings Attached

              “No strings attached” is a term often used to describe a type of relationship or arrangement where individuals engage in activities or interactions without the expectation of a committed emotional connection or long-term commitment. In simpler terms, it means keeping… Read More »No Strings Attached